Additional Video
Here are some additional, slightly longer performance clips to give a feel for the material in our core act...
I Want It Back
A song for anyone who's every desperately Googled, "retrieve sent email."
We Can Do Anything You Want (But We Won't Do That)
A hilarious look at passive-aggressive change resistance set to Meatloaf’s “I Would Do Anything For Love (But I Won’t Do That)”.
Networking Event
Some people love them, some people hate them. OK. We all hate them.
Bohemian Rhapsody
Unfortunately, not everyone gets to go the cool offsite at the beautiful resort, in the glamorous destination.
Working In The Meeting
A tribute to that place where we all go to catch up on all our work.
Game Show
A fast-pace, fun, audience participatory look at team-building in the guise of a musical game show. The game show questions are customized and the client chooses the participants. We EXCEL at creating an experience where the participants look like rock stars and the audience has a ball. NOTE: this clip is from a virtual show.
The Loiterer
Our tribute to that guy who struggles with subtle hints. Like "get out."
Blackberry (or iPhone or Android)
Remember when being away from the office meant being out of reach? Yeah, me neither.
(Note: we switch in the name of the smart phone most prevalent in our client's audience. I only have video of the Blackberry version, but we typically do iPhone now.)
Loud Talker
Something for that colleague who has never grasped the concept of an "indoor voice."
Et tu Brute? This is a green screen video we created for social media -- I don't have performance footage on this one yet. Audiences LOVE it.